Attack of the 50-Foot Movie
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NOTE: This film was originally titled “Character”. Later, as it became apparent to me that “Character” was going to be a larger, ongoing series, I changed the title of this individual work to “Fancy Feast: The Fat Burlesque Performer”. – Leon


My film “Character” has been selected for the 2017 Coney Island Film Festival.

The screening will take place Sunday, September 10th at 3pm at the Coney Island Museum, located at 1208 Surf Ave. in Brooklyn, NY. Tickets are $8. This will be an ADULTS ONLY event.

Get Tickets Here



Character – Episode 1 is the story of Fancy Feast, a self-described fat burlesque performer, sex educator, and winner of the Miss Coney Island 2016 pageant.

The “Character” project is my ongoing attempt to document a rapidly vanishing breed: The New York City Eccentric.

“Character” recently screened at Anthology Film Archives in New York City, and at the Center for Sex and Culture in San Francisco. The movie also got some love from The Huffington Post, among others. Read all about it on the Press page.

Please take a moment to subscribe to the official “Character” YouTube channel. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.