Attack of the 50-Foot Movie



“Distant” was created in April 2020, in response to B-movie legend Roger Corman‘s announcement of the online Quarantine Film Festival.

Corman’s challenge: Make a movie, under two minutes, without leaving your home, using only a cell-phone camera and available lights.

Official Selection – Corman Quarantine Film Festival.
Official Selection – Coney Island Film Festival 2020.
Official Selection –
New York City Quarantine Film Festival 2020.

“Distant” was filmed on a Samsung Galaxy S10 phone. The majority of lighting was provided by the lead actor’s iPhone 7.


Written and Directed by Leon Chase.



Tina – Ashlie Atkinson
Joey – Chris Kelly
Jackie – Jennifer Laine Williams


“Aftermath” Kevin MacLeod
“Anxiety” Kevin MacLeod
“Chase Pulse” Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


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